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Showing posts from November, 2022

Revisiting an old blog

My, how much has changed in four years.  I still don't believe in God. But the factor of belief or disbelief has grown fainter with time. Less important. I stress about it less. Sometime in 2019 I realized I'd rather imagine God as someone who loves everyone, or at least doesn't pointlessly punish people. Or, put another way, no God of mine would push people away because of ancient precepts. And coming in contact with people on the un-privileged side of things really helped me understand how much of religion is not about your faith, but in the faith of others in you. What kind of God rejects LBTQ+ people who want to be practicing Jews? What kind of messed-up Judaism is it where congregants refuse to give men who are known to be gay, aliyot? Burn it up and start over, for the trappings of religion are too far gone.  To wear a kippah is a statement, a statement that yes, I do stress about often. Because I still wear one, everywhere. It is my Star of David on a necklace. For h